Awaken Your True Self – Ayahuasca Retreat in Tenerife
In a safe and nurturing environment, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Tenerife, you will be guided by facilitators.
In a safe and nurturing environment, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Tenerife, you will be guided by facilitators.
A unique aspect of 5-MeO-DMT is its ability to induce states of Samadhi or Unity Consciousness. This concept from the yogic and Buddhist tradition describes a state of deep meditative absorption and oneness with the universe.
Our retreats use traditional shamanic methods as well as modern science and psychotherapy.
The connection with ourselves to reflect everything we don’t want to be. This inner work enables anyone who is ready to meet themselves authentically to bring about a deep transformation in their life.
Always let go of old things that are no longer useful in life in order to invite a breath of fresh air and new adventures into your own life. True growth unfolds through letting go in gratitude.
One of the biggest, but also easiest, challenges in life is finding inner and outer balance. Once we have found this, life becomes light.
Safes your spot for the Ayahuasca Retreat in December on the beautiful island of Tenerife. Letting go of your old not useful stuff to discover new possibilities in life.
Inner harmony and stability is a very worthwhile goal, which can be expressed through inner balance, serenity, and lightness in life.
Enlightenment is being sought by many of us today. Ayahuasca the tree of knowledge and enlightenment.
Inner balance is a very worthwhile goal, which can be expressed through inner balance, serenity and lightness in life.