
Why attend an Ayahuasca ceremony, what are the benefits and how does this jungle practice work? You can find out all about this on this page.
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the wine of soul

Table of Contents

Ayahuasca has been used as a herbal medicine by shamans in the Amazon region of South America for centuries. The name Ayahuasca means something like the wine of the soul (vine of the soul).

The psychoactive potion consists of two different plants: the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the chacruna bush (Psychotria viridis). The medicine is boiled for several hours. The monoamine oxidase inhibitors from the ayahuasca liana ensure that the tryptamines (DMT and 5-Meo-DMT) in the leaves of the chacruna bush can pass the blood-brain barrier and dock to the appropriate receptors in the brain.

The strong cleansing effect of the ayahuasca drink stimulates the body to detoxify. In the further process, a purification on a mental and psychological level is also initiated. Deeper-lying causes for self-destructive relationship and action patterns such as addictive behavior can be identified.

Old injuries and trauma from the subconscious can come to the fore. This makes them accessible for processing, which means that physical, mental and spiritual blockages can be changed and, ideally, dissolved. The decisive factor here is always the conscious integration of experiences (LINK).

Bitter substances from the ayahuasca drink ensure a detoxification of the entire body (especially the intestinal and gastric tract)
Deep spiritual insights about life and the connection to the greater. (unity consciousness, strong connection with other people, plants, animals and the universe)
Effectiveness in addiction, depressive symptoms and fears, processing of trauma and clarity about one’s own past

During the process, deep insights into life, one’s life purpose and the human connection to nature and the transcendental can often be gained.

In recent years, more and more scientific studies have been carried out examining the therapeutic effects of ayahuasca. Among other things, a positive effect on the course of treatment for addictive behavior, depressive symptoms and fears as well as an improvement in the ability to introspect was found.

Study overview

Ayahuasca study from Hamill et al. (2019) in the paper Current Neuropharmacology

Ayahuasca: A comprehensive insight

Ayahuasca is a traditional shamanic drink used for centuries by indigenous peoples of the Amazon. It is known for its hallucinogenic properties and plays a central role in the spiritual and healing practices of these cultures. In recent years, ayahuasca has gained attention worldwide, especially in scientific and therapeutic circles. This website highlights the origin, history, preparation and production, ingredients, myths and mythologies surrounding ayahuasca, as well as its use in ancient cultures and current scientific and therapeutic research.

Psychological and emotional liberation:

Ayahuasca can dissolve deep-seated emotional blockages and traumas. Many users report intense emotional experiences that lead to the processing and healing of past traumas. The ceremonies provide a protected space in which these emotions can be safely explored and released.

This release can have a deep cathartic effect, leading to long-lasting emotional relief and a feeling of inner freedom.

Awareness and self-knowledge

The experience with Ayahuasca is often highly introspective, which can lead to increased self-awareness and a better understanding of one's own thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. This can promote personal growth and positive changes in life.

Users often report new perspectives on old problems and a clearer understanding of their life goals and values. Such insights can trigger profound personal transformations and improve the overall attitude to life.

Promoting mental health

Studies have shown that ayahuasca can be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The combination of psychoactive substances in ayahuasca appears to have neuroplastic effects that may help alter emotional memory and improve mental health.

These effects are supported by stimulating neurogenesis and increasing synaptic plasticity in the brain. Users often report improved mood, increased drive, and a sense of inner calm after an ayahuasca ceremony.

Physical detoxification for well-being

The physical reactions to ayahuasca, such as vomiting (often referred to as "la purga"), are considered to be cleansing and detoxifying in traditional use. This process is intended to rid the body of negative energies and toxins, which can lead to increased well-being and better physical health.

Participants often report a feeling of physical lightness and purity after the ceremony. In addition, detoxification can also strengthen the immune system and improve overall vitality.

Origin and History

Ayahuasca has its roots deep in the Amazon, particularly in the rainforests of Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. The name “ayahuasca” comes from the Quechua language and means “vine of spirits” or “vine of souls.” The exact origin story of ayahuasca use is difficult to determine, as it has been passed down orally through generations. However, archaeological finds and historical records suggest that ayahuasca has been used by indigenous peoples for at least 1,000 years. Different tribes have their own names and legends surrounding the brew, reflecting the cultural diversity and significance of ayahuasca in the region.

Myths and Mythologies

There are many myths and legends surrounding Ayahuasca. In many indigenous cultures, Ayahuasca is considered a sacred gift from the gods. It is often seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. Shamans report that through Ayahuasca they can receive visions and communicate with spirits for healing and wisdom. A popular legend says that the plant spirits themselves taught people how to prepare and use Ayahuasca. An interesting legend comes from the Shipibo-Conibo, who believe that the first shaman learned Ayahuasca from a jaguar. The jaguar, an animal of great spiritual importance, led the shaman to the right plants and showed him how to prepare the drink. This legend underlines the deep connection between the shamans and nature and the belief that Ayahuasca is a direct revelation from the animal spirits.

Ancient cultures and ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has a long tradition in the spiritual practices of many Amazonian cultures. It is used in shamanic ceremonies to heal illnesses, release psychological blockages and gain spiritual insight. These ceremonies are often accompanied by chants, prayers and other rituals designed to support the potion’s effects.

In the culture of the Shipibo-Conibo in Peru, for example, ayahuasca plays a central role. They believe that ayahuasca gives them access to a higher level of consciousness and to the secrets of the universe. Similar beliefs can be found among the Yawanawa and Huni Kuin in Brazil. These tribes use ayahuasca not only for healing ceremonies, but also for initiation rites and spiritual training. The use of ayahuasca is deeply rooted in their social and religious structures and is often passed down from generation to generation.

Preparation and production

The preparation of ayahuasca is a complex process traditionally carried out by skilled shamans or healers, also known as curanderos. The drink is made from two main ingredients: the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub. The vine contains harmala alkaloids such as harmaline and harmalol, which act as MAO inhibitors, while the leaves contain dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful hallucinogen.

Production begins with gathering and cleaning the ingredients. The vine is cut into small pieces and boiled together with the leaves for hours. This process can take up to 12 hours or up to several days and requires careful monitoring to achieve the right consistency and potency of the drink. Prayers and chants are often sung during the process to enhance the spiritual effects of the potion. The shamans use specific songs, so-called Icaros, which are said to be inspired by the plant spirits themselves and are intended to guide and protect the ceremony.


The main ingredients of Ayahuasca are:

  1. Banisteriopsis caapi: This vine contains β-carbolines, which enhance the effects of DMT by inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), which normally breaks down DMT in the digestive tract. These β-carbolines are harmines, harmalines and tetrahydroharmines, which not only support the hallucinogenic effect but can also have psychoactive effects of their own.

  2. Psychotria viridis: The leaves of this shrub contain DMT, a powerful psychoactive molecule responsible for the visionary effects of Ayahuasca. DMT is chemically similar to the neurotransmitter serotonin and binds to the same receptors in the brain, which can trigger intense visual and emotional experiences.

In addition to these main ingredients, some shamans also use other plants and herbs to modify the effects or add specific healing properties. These can be, for example, Brugmansia (Angel’s Trumpet) or Nicotiana rustica (Wild Tobacco).

Ayahuasca in Science and Therapy

In recent decades, ayahuasca has increasingly attracted the interest of science. Numerous studies have examined the psychophysiological effects of the drink. Research suggests that ayahuasca may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction.

A 2018 study published in the journal Psychological Medicine showed that ayahuasca can produce significant improvements in patients with treatment-resistant depression. Other research has shown that ayahuasca has the ability to modify emotional memory and resolve deep-rooted trauma. For example, a study from the University of São Paulo found that a single ayahuasca session can significantly reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

The neurobiological mechanisms behind these effects are complex and not yet fully understood. However, the interaction of DMT with serotonin receptors in the brain is believed to play a key role. The harmala alkaloids in Banisteriopsis caapi also contribute to the prolonged effects of DMT and may additionally possess anxiolytic and antidepressant properties. Researchers suspect that this combination of active ingredients may lead to increased neurogenesis and increased brain plasticity, explaining the emotional and cognitive effects of ayahuasca.

About Safe Spirit Retreats

Safe Spirit Retreats combine centuries-old shamanic traditions with modern scientific knowledge and methods.Through the conscious use of entheogens such as ayahuasca, kambó and rapé, they promote the connection to the inner self. Supported by meditation, breathing techniques and transpersonal psychology, the retreats help to release deep-rooted behavioral patterns and traumas.

Our nightly ceremonies, in the dark by candlelight, combine traditional Shipibo music with new Western music. Incense, live instruments, music from the speakers and the supportive Safe Spirit team contribute to a safe and transformative experience.

FAQ - Ayahuasca

Fragen zu Ayahuasca und der Zeremonie

Ayahuasca is a traditional shamanic drink from the Amazon region, made from the liana Banisteriopsis caapi and the leaves of the shrub Psychotria viridis. It is valued for its hallucinogenic and healing properties.

Ayahuasca can be safe when taken under the guidance of experienced guides and in a controlled environment. We ensure that our ceremonies are conducted safely and respectfully to ensure the well-being of participants.

Adults over 18 years of age who are in good physical and mental health can participate. We will have a detailed conversation beforehand to make sure that Ayahuasca is suitable for you.

Benefits can include emotional healing, increased self-awareness, improved mental health, and physical detoxification. Many participants report profound personal transformations.

Some participants may experience nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, which is considered part of the cleansing process. Other side effects may include intense emotional reactions or temporary confusion

It is recommended that you follow a special diet and avoid alcohol, drugs and certain foods for a few weeks before the retreat. We will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare.

Bring comfortable clothes, personal hygiene items and a notebook to write down your experience. A list of recommended items will be provided to you after booking.

Our retreats usually last 2 to 4 days, depending on the program chosen. This provides ample time for multiple ceremonies and personal reflection

Our retreats are limited to small groups to ensure a personal and supportive atmosphere.
  • Private small group retreat 2 – 5 people
  • Group retreat 5 – 12 people
  • There is also the option to book a private individual ceremony (also for couples)

In Spain, the use of ayahuasca is not specifically regulated by law and there are legal grey areas. We work within the legal framework to ensure safe and respectful use.

There is a lot of information about what participants have experienced in an Ayahuasca, what they have seen, such as what visions/inspirations they have received and much more.

Forget everything you have heard about Ayahuasca so far and just experience it yourself. Otherwise, it can lead to the mind constantly having to ponder when what you have previously heard about Ayahuasca will finally happen. This behavior can result in little or nothing happening because the participant blocks themselves by setting expectations of their own/personal experiences.

If you still have expectations or certain intentions, you are welcome to talk to someone from our team about them beforehand. It is always good to have your own intention, a personal reason for moving, instead of clinging to other people’s opinions and concepts.

During the ceremony, participants take Ayahuasca and lie down in a protected space. The guides create an appropriate setting and offer support while participants experience their inner journeys.

There are many opinions about whether or not a strict diet should be followed before a ceremony. From our experience, there are some eating and lifestyle habits that require a diet. All other concepts about diets can and should be decided by the participant themselves, whether they want to do them before the retreat. From our point of view, the following points should be observed:

Abstain from excessive alcohol and drug consumption 1 week before the retreat. If this is not possible, at least consume less.
Abstain from fatty and heavy meals 1-3 days beforehand; eat light food such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, chicken, fish, pasta
Do not consume drugs or alcohol for 24 hours

Each participant has unique experiences that can include visual, emotional and spiritual aspects. The experiences can be deeply introspective and healing

Our experienced guides are there throughout the retreat experience to help you navigate through intense experiences. It is important to relax and allow the processes to unfold.

Stress and not having enough time to integrate the experiences with Ayahuasca/San Pedro is not recommended after the ceremony. The body and mind need rest and relaxation after the retreat in order to be able to process everything that was experienced in the ceremony. This also makes it easier to integrate into your everyday life. So plan a few days after the retreat for your recovery.

Please check your health beforehand. If you are not feeling well or feel ill, you should not take part in the retreat. Caution! In some cases, the body and mind react before the retreat with excitement, restlessness, intense dreams or even physical complaints. Please check for yourself whether you can take part in the retreat. If necessary, speak to your doctor or ask someone from the Safe Spirit team.

Please let us know in advance if you are currently taking any medication or allergies. This is so that there are no complications between Ayahuasca and the medication you are taking during the ceremony at night. Please talk to your doctor beforehand to see if it is possible to take part in the retreat despite taking medication. If you have any allergies, please let us know beforehand as well. This is so that we can take this into account when preparing the meals and so that we can check that you can tolerate Ayahuasca well.

After the retreat, we offer follow-up and integration to help you process your experiences and integrate them into your everyday life. This can be done through conversation, reflection, and supportive community.

Experiences with Ayahuasca

What others say about Safe Spirit

I can honestly and proudly say that doing the 3 day Ayahuasca retreat was the best decision of my life. I also feel fortunate and blessed to find Vera, Bogi, Alex and Gabor. They are really professional at what they do. My life is no longer the same as before. I was so sick of the old me (they said it was my ego and false personalities). I couldn't solve my problems, so I suffered from insomnia for years, so I started smoking weed to sleep and then used it almost 24 hours a day. For me personally, the Bufo Alvarius did the great magic. I truly believe it is the greatest wonder in the world. Through him I got to know the real me and I don't want to smoke weed anymore and of course I can sleep like a baby. Now I'm 10 days past retirement and I'm realizing incredible things in my life that I couldn't see before. They said that the plant will work in my body in the next 40 days and great achievements can happen. Since then I have been in contact with them. They help me with any questions I have. Thank you for being part of the most beautiful journey of my life. 🙏
Barbara ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Never in my life had I experienced such a strong connection with my being, with my self. This all happened after I decided to try Kambo. There were five sessions. I have discovered my true self. I felt a power, THE POWER, that we all carry within us and that we always look for outside of ourselves. Alex and Vera have accompanied me at all times and I will be eternally grateful to them. After years of addiction to many pills such as antidepressants and anxiolytics, I managed to break free from them by discovering that I am my only true medicine. The ayahuasca shots reinforced what I had already discovered: a total connection with myself, with my being. An immeasurable love. I recommend that you do not hesitate to contact this pair of experts who will undoubtedly guide you and help you access your own inner teacher. If you have any doubts about what I am describing, I am willing to share my experience with anyone who writes to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏼❤️ ​
Paula ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Canary Islands - El Hierro