Experience a transformative ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife

Our retreats use traditional shamanic methods as well as modern science and psychotherapy.
Inner transformation Ayahuasca

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Are you looking for a profound, transformative experience? An ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife could be exactly what you need. Set amidst breathtaking scenery overlooking the Teide Volcano and the Atlantic Ocean, this retreat provides an ideal backdrop for introspection and self-reflection

Why an Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife?

An Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife combines the natural beauty of the island with traditional shamanic methods and modern scientific knowledge. This unique combination helps you find a deeper connection with your inner self and let go of blocking thoughts such as worries and fears.

Shamanic methods and medicinal plants

Our retreats use traditional shamanic methods as well as modern science and psychotherapy. These methods help you find a deeper connection to your inner self and release blocking thoughts.

Topics of the Ayahuasca Retreat

During your ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife you will explore various transformative themes:
  • Connect with yourself: Find deep access to your inner self.
  • Love yourself and others in a new way: Develop a deeper, unconditional love.
  • Liberation from mental suffering: Learn to understand your physical and mental suffering and independently develop solutions for it.
  • Self-reflection: Recognize and change old habits and behaviors.
  • Realignment: Realign yourself and take the first steps into a new life.
  • Spiritual insights: Gain deep spiritual insights and activate your self-healing powers.
Book an Ayahuasca retreat
Register now and experience an unforgettable journey to your true self!

Methods and techniques in the Ayahuasca Retreat

An Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife includes a variety of methods and techniques to support you on your inner journey:
  • Guided nighttime shamanic ceremonies: Experience deep inner journeys in a safe environment.
  • Meditation and pause: Find peace and clarity through guided meditations.
  • Entheogenic substances: Rapé, Bufo Alvarius and Kambo.
  • Group and individual discussions: Share your experiences and receive support.
  • Breathing and energy work: Use special techniques to release and harmonize energy (psychological self-regulation).
  • Techniques for self-knowledge from different cultures
  • Individual needs: All techniques and methods are individually adapted to each participant according to their needs.

Bring body, mind and soul into harmony

The goal of our Ayahuasca retreat is to connect you with your origins and release old patterns and traumas. By using a variety of tools and techniques tailored to your individual needs, you can experience profound healing and get in touch with your true self.

Food during the retreat

During your stay we offer vegetarian and vegan dishes that are freshly prepared. Gluten or lactose free food can also be provided upon request to ensure your dietary needs are met.

Procedure of the retreat days

A typical Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife follows a structured process:

1. Day (Thursday): Arrival and getting to know each other, preparation for the first ceremony.

2. + Day 3 (Friday + Saturday):Optional Kambo sessions, integration experiences and preparation for the next ceremony.

4. Day (Sunday):Final integration discussions and lunch, departure in the afternoon.

Our carefully planned days offer the perfect balance between intensive inner work and time for relaxation and reflection. This structure will help you get the most out of your retreat experience.

Dates for 2024

Here are the dates for our Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife in 2024:

>> Retreat Calendar <<

Our retreats are spread throughout the year to give you flexible options. No matter when you decide to come, every appointment offers the same careful care and support.

Getting to Tenerife

The journey to Tenerife and the transfer to the retreat location are not included in the price. However, we are happy to help you plan your trip so that you arrive stress-free. Tenerife is easily accessible by international flights and we can help you find the best route and possibly arrange transfers.

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Connect with us and discover the healing power of Ayahuasca in one of the most beautiful and spiritually charged environments in the world. Your inner self is waiting to be discovered.


An Ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife offers a unique opportunity to look deep within yourself and have transformative experiences. The combination of the island’s natural beauty, traditional shamanic methods and modern therapeutic approaches creates an environment in which healing and growth can flourish.

Our experienced leaders and supportive environment will ensure you feel safe and secure as you undertake this profound journey. The time you spend on our retreat will help you gain new perspectives, heal old wounds and return to your daily life with renewed clarity and energy.

If you are ready for a transformative journey, then our ayahuasca retreat in Tenerife is just the thing for you.


Book an Ayahuasca retreat

Register now and experience an unforgettable journey to your true self!