The connection with ourselves to reflect everything we don’t want to be. This inner work enables anyone who is ready to meet themselves authentically to bring about a deep transformation in their life.
Everything you believe you are is the result of your previous experiences. Really everything in life can be changed if you want it from the bottom of your heart.
The art of changing your life is mainly about letting go of what is holding you back and realigning your life.
Fears, addictions, depression, anger… are directed against yourself and life. Most of the time, these negative feelings and thought loops are the result of past experiences. Be it from your own life and that of your parents or acquaintances. Negative and self-defeating emotions and thoughts show you that you are not staying in the present moment.
In most cases, these emotions and thoughts are mental projections in our heads. These have nothing to do with the present. They are illusions. Self-deception is one of the most widespread mental illnesses in our society today.
It’s time to regain your strength and responsibility for your inner and outer world.
With the help of entheognous substances we are able to reconnect directly with our origins. Once this connection to our true self is restored, it becomes much easier for us to let go of old things in life. To invite new things into life again.
But how do we let go? In like focusing attention on something different that we want in life.
We don’t even have to control our attention, just let it flow whatever you feel like and start celebrating life again.
Letting go of old things step by step in order to immerse yourself deeply in the new adventure of life.
Life is waiting for you with joy, serenity, inner peace and curiosity.
Come and discover your true authentic essence, beyond your conditioned ego.